Who Are Hollywood's True Green Celebrities?

Strip away the phony tinsel in Hollywood, and you’ll find the real tinsel underneath. Oscar Levant could have been talking about trendy green celebrities, whose acting abilities come in handy when they’re spouting green dogma -- until they fly off in a private jet to their 20,000 square-foot McMansion.

Take Paris Hilton: In an effort to hype her green image, the international celebretard announced, “Driving hybrid cars is the new way to go. Anyone can do it, no matter how old.” Or, how blonde.

But a handful of celebrity activists have taken green living to heart, and practice sustainable living in their own homes as well as around the world. The following actors’ names come up time and again on lists of green carpet celebrities who are genuinely involved in using their good name for a good cause.

Oscar-nominated actor Edward Norton comes from a long line of activists: His father is an attorney for the National Trust for Historic Preservation who’s also director of a Nature Conservancy project in China, and his grandparents helped create the Enterprise Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to community development and affordable green housing. Norton has partnered with BP’s Solar Neighbors program, which helps put solar panels on the homes of low-income families in Los Angeles. In addition to hosting environmental programs on National Geographic TV, Norton also supports the work of groups like The Wilderness Society and Earthjustice.

Just because you’re a pretty blonde surfer chick doesn’t mean you can’t promote a sustainable lifestyle. Just ask Cameron Diaz, who has driven a Prius since they first became available and continues to tool around L.A. in a hybrid vehicle. Her MTV show Trippin’ takes viewers on eco-adventures to endangered habitats worldwide, and she has taken a leadership position in the Environmental Media Association (EMA), an organization that leverages the influence of media personalities to advance conservation and sustainable living. Her knowledge and passion for the environment so impressed Al Gore that Diaz was selected as a presenter for his groundbreaking documentary An Inconvenient Truth.

Not many people have the clout to convince stars to arrive at the Oscars in a hybrid vehicle like he does, but Leonardo DiCaprio has that kind of pull. His documentary The 11th Hour -- which the actor wrote, narrated and co-produced -- highlighted the impact humans have had on the environment. He also hosted Planet Green’s Eco-Town series on the sustainable rebuilding of a Kansas town that was destroyed by a tornado. DiCaprio even maintains a blog on environmental issues and green living.

Hybrid-driving Josh Harnett has lent his star power to groups like Global Cool, a U.K.-based organization whose mission is to get one billion people to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions over the next 10 years. 
ReadMoreAt: greenliving.about.com

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