Amazing Carrion Plants
Carrion is a lovely word used for rotting or decomposing flesh, and so carrion flowers tend to smell like a pile of rotten flesh. This smell is not used to ward off potential predators, but rather to attract insects. The insects are not used or consumed by the flower for nutrients, but rather, like with most flowers, they help to pollinate the flower. These flowers do not attract all insects, like butterflies and bees, but only insects actually attracted to carrion, such as carrion beetles and a variety of flies. These Putrid but fascinating flowers differ from one another in amazing ways, and it is some of those that we can look at today.
Helicodiceros muscivorus
California Dutchman’s-pipe
Starfish Flowers
Eastern Skunk cabbage
Dracunculus vulgaris
Hydnora Africana
Pelican Flower
Rafflesia arnoldii
Amorphophallus titanum