How To Recycle Your CFLs
Only an environmental choice if you dispose right.
Energy-saving compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) have to be handled differently that incandescent bulbs. Like other fluorescent lamps, CFLs contain mercury, which can be dangerous to human health and the environment. They should be disposed of properly (so no throwing them into your garbage can).
Minimum mercury
Before you panic, the mercury in CFLs is a small amount (between 1 and 25 milligrams, according to Environment Canada or, on average, 5 milligrams) that has been sealed within glass tubing. And according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this small amount doesn't pose any major health threat. To put it into perspective: An old-fashioned thermometer contains 500 milligrams and a manual thermostat up to 3,000 milligrams—about the equivalent of 100 to 600 CFL bulbs.
Concentrating power
When mercury enters terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems, it gets converted into a more toxic form, methyl mercury, by naturally occurring bacteria, and accumulates in the tissue of plants and animals. So it poses a threat to species that are higher up the food chain. Tuna fish, an ocean predator, is notorious for containing high levels of mercury. So much so that Health Canada recommends that pregnant women and children limit their intake of certain tuna fish species (see the primer “Making Informed Choices About Fish.”).
Why mercury
Mercury allows CFLs to be an efficient light source and have a longer life. One CFL light bulb can save 2000 times its own weight in greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately there is currently no substitute for mercury so it remains an irreplaceable element. Scientists and researchers are working on finding alternatives, but until then CFLs will continue to contain mercury.
How to recycle
Most CFL bulbs with the Energy Star logo have a two-year warranty. So if your CFL gives up the ghost before its expiration date, bring it back to the store and ask for a replacement. Once it's time to recycle your CFL, don't just throw it into your household garbage can where it may leak mercury into whatever landfill it find its way to. Instead follow these steps:
• Place the CFL in a sealed plastic bag.
• Check with your local Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Centre to find out if they accept CLFs for drop off. You can also check with your local municipality. If it's inconvenient to visit your HHW Centre, then simply add the CFL to your batteries and other chemical waste for pick up. Municipalities usually have spring and fall pick-up drives. A god starting point is Environment Canada list of regional and provincial recycling programs.
• Home Depot Canada and RONA offer a national in-store CFL drop off programs.
• Some IKEA stores offer take back programs of used CFLs.
• In the United States: Check with Lamp Recycle, a website developed by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, to find a recycler in your area. U.S. citizens can also contact Earth 911 to find a recycling facility near them
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