Contaminants In Our Food Supply

It’s one of the public health’s top ten goals for the 20th century, creating a safer, more toxic-free food supply, but meanwhile virtually all food products are contaminated with various chemicals, bacteria, heavy metals, and residues from pesticides. According to many sources, Americans are exposed to what are called POPs or “Persistent Organic Pollutants” 70 times in one day. Chemicals like DDT and dioxin are moving through the food chain and into the human diet at an alarming rate. Contaminations from industrial waste and manufacturing plants are tainting our food supply, our ecosystem, and our health, here are the most daunting reasons why.

Genetically Modified Food

Processing Contaminants

Animal Drug and Hormone Residues

Military Sources

Packaging Materials


Heavy Metals like Mercury, Lead and others

Industry and Manufacturing Waste

Unsafe Sewage Practices



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