Balkans Drowning
Severe flooding occurred in the Balkans. Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia have taken extraordinary measures to evacuate people living in flooded areas.
In Romania the government on Sunday declared the yellow level of risk of snow and blizzard in southern and western parts of the country. Meteorologists on Friday declared the Orange threat level of the floods in western and northwestern regions.
Meanwhile, in Albania, Prime Minister Sali Berisha declared a state of emergency on Saturday in the region of Shkoder due to flooding caused by heavy rains. He ordered the evacuation of people from some parts of the area. Evacuated persons being housed in hotels and dormitories, and they will be provided food, clothing and footwear.
Water level of Danube in the Balkans on Thursday reached a record level, which is why lifeguards and soldiers busily working on the evacuation of the population.
After the declaration of emergency, engaged the services that were laid during the night with a sand bag on the walls of the river in the port town of Lom, 230 kilometers north of Sofia, where the Danube flooded a public institution and a hotel in the city.
"We have a very strong wind and we are ready to reinforce walls and make them much higher," said Reuters chief of the regional civil protection service.
People from the city trying to save things from the house while the level of rivers, caused by rapid melting of snow and rain kept falling in the Balkan countries, continues to grow.
In the port of Vidin 80 soldiers came to help local authorities to strengthen the walls on the banks of the Danube, which reached a level of 942 centimeters, similar to record the 1942nd , when the central parts of the flooded city.
"People are in the parks and see what happens with the river because we never before seen such a high level," said Penev Marijana from service for Civil Protection in Vidin.
In Romania, the Danube is expected to soon reach the top of the wave of flooding 15,500 cubic meters of water per second, which could seriously threaten the villages along the rivers.

The population of the western area of Romania on Thursday evacuated because of a swollen river that crossed the dam on the river Borčei, the main tributary of the Danube in Romania.
Hungarian authorities have announced that on Friday the government will be meeting on the situation resulting increase in the level of the Tisza and Maros rivers in the southeast.
Expected to increase the level of the Tisza in Szeged, southeast Hungary, from Sunday until Tuesday.
More than 8,000 people are engaged to protect dykes in Tisi and Maros, and, if necessary, and being engaged army.
Struma River on Bulgarian territory is threatening to cause a series of floods such as those recorded last month, when it caused great damage on farms in Greece.
"The authorities have taken necessary measures to inform the Greek side about the situation," saopštilo Bulgarian Ministry of Environmental Protection.
It is expected that the level of the Danube to grow even a week for a new wave coming from central Europe.