Zoom The Ordinary Things

The internal structure of those items that every day we so often find that even stop to notice them, in fact, very surprising. We offer a selection of images representing these objects, taken from a multiple increase. In this perspective, the most ordinary things seem quite surprising, and sometimes even frightening. And all this around us every day in our apartments.
  1. Used dental floss at high magnification it looks horrible. Better not go into details, what kind of lumps of pink on a blue nylon. As well, they are in the range of normal daylight, is in principle impossible to see.
  2. Unused brush mascara looks much more attractive, even under an electron microscope.
  3. These multi-colored stones are actually a grain of salt and black pepper from a jar with spices.
  4. Hard to believe that glossy postage stamp actually has such a loose and fibrous structure. In the photo: torn edge of a postage stamp.
  5. Another monster from the bathroom - used cotton swabs to clean ears.
  6. The naked human eye can distinguish objects that are no less than 0.176 mm. The best optical microscopes are limited in their operation wavelength of visible light, but because they can not provide details of the observation that less than 0,1-0,2 mm. Electron microscope scans the sample using electron beam and allows us to consider the details already the order of nanometers. True, the sample for examination under a scanning electron microscope in a special way to prepare. In the photo: eye of a needle with vdetoy thread.
  7. Scientific Photographer Steve Gshmayssner from Bedfordshire retirement continues to have access to scanning electron microscope, and can make interesting pictures. In the picture: part of computer chips.
  8. These logs are actually hairs cut blade shaver.
  9. The cost of scanning electron microscope is between 150,000 to 500,000 pounds. Of course, such a device can only afford large scientific or industrial laboratories. Therefore Gshmayssner very pleased that after retirement he has the opportunity to "play" with such a serious tool. The photos come out really very interesting. In the picture: the structure of the guitar strings.
  10. Plain Velcro.
  11. Pyrophoric flint from the ignition device of an ordinary cigarette lighter.
  12. The loose structure of toilet paper.
  13. Pencil tube simple graphite pencil.
  14. The structure of the toothbrush bristles.

Posted by KRCKEY on 12:48 AM. Filed under , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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