Fox's Wedding
Photographer-naturalist Igor Shpilenok shpilenok, who lives in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve on the Kamchatka Peninsula continues to monitor the foxes. Spring came, and he acted as a fox "wedding photographer".
Dreamed all winter, in March will be a wedding photographer Kuzi and cousin. But Kuzma led - organized love triangle, and now events are held somewhere in the side. The last two days he generally hides in the woods from the "old" Kuzin and "current" little Alice. When I go over and start his shame, Kuzya yawns ostentatiously and riding fleas, but on the tundra, home to his beautiful, not willing to go.Therefore, on the marriage customs of fox going to tell you the example of another couple: Lisa and Lizovina a quiet river, which I shot in 2008. This is the groom - Lizovin.Beautiful Bride LisaTogether